ESEF Plug & Play

Erillinen ratkaisu
Erillinen ratkaisu
Kaikkien asiakirjatyyppien merkitseminen
Kaikkien asiakirjatyyppien merkitse­minen
Merkinnät välittömästi ilman käyttöönottoprojektia
Merkinnät välittömästi ilman käyttö­önotto­projektia
Tulostusvalmis asettelu
Tulostusvalmis asettelu

Miten ESMA:n uudet ohjeet vaikuttavat yhtiööni?

Vuodesta 2020 lähtien kaikkien listayhtiöiden tilinpäätökset tulee raportoida uudessa muodossa (ESEF). Keskeisintä uudessa raportointimuodossa on se, että tilinpäätökset on jatkossa laadittava XHTML-muodossa, ja konsernitilinpäätöstiedot tulee merkitä, eli tägätä, XBRL-merkeillä.

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XBRL tagger –
ESEF plug & play ilman käyttöönotto­projektia

ESEF Reporting with the XBRL Tagger
“Bolt-on” solution:
generate (i)XBRL reports from Word, Excel, PDF and InDesign with the XBRL tagger

Helppokäyttöisen XBRL-serifioidun ohjelmistomme avulla luot ESEF:n vaatimukset täyttäviä raportteja alta aikayksikön. Voit aloittaa tilinpäätöksesi merkitsemisen välittömästi. Erillinen XBRL Taggerimme tunnistaa automaattisesti tiedoston tiedostomuodon, ja se käsittelee kaikki taksonomiat. Voit helposti kartoittaa IFRS-taksonomian muuttujat vastaaviin lukuihin/tileihin tilinpäätöksessä.

Ohjelmistolla voi muuntaa Word-, PDF-, HTML- ja In-Design-asiakirjoja, jonka ansiosta se on nopea- ja helppokäyttöinen. Kun kartoitus on tehty, merkinnät voidaan tallentaa seuraavan vuoden ESEF-raporttia varten.

XBRL Tagger on myös saatavilla Disclosure Management-työkalussamme SmartNotesissa, johon XBRL Tagger on integroitu. SmartNotes mahdollistaa XBRL-merkitsemisen lisäksi täydellisen päästä päähän-prosessin, jossa konsolidointijärjestelmästä tuodusta datasta luodaan hienosti muotoiltu tulostusvalmis raportti. Lue lisää täältä.

  • Erillinen ratkaisu
  • PDF / Word / InDesign-merkitseminen
  • Plug & Play
  • Kaikki taksonomiat ja kielet
  • Automatisoitu merkitseminen ja kartoittaminen tekoälyn avulla
  • Tulostusvalmis asiakirja

Disclosure Management SmartNotes
ESEF-raportointi päästä päähän-prosessina

Disclosure Management-ratkaisumme parantaa tilinpäätös- ja iXBRL-raportointisi tehokkuutta, jonka ansiosta säästät arvokasta aikaa. Ratkaisumme varmistaa myös, että raporttisi täyttävät ESEF-vaatimukset. Koska XBRL tagger on integroitu SmartNote siin, se on saatavilla ns. ”built-in”-versiona. XBRL-merkitsemisen lisäksi SmartNotes mahdollistaa tilinpäätöksen käsittelyn kaikissa työn vaiheissa, aina datan tuonnista esijärjestelmästä lopulliseen ulkomuotoon saakka.

Raportointiohjelmistomme tarjoaa monia muitakin ominaisuuksia työsi helpottamiseksi. Esimerkiksi tuontidatan päivityksen yhteydessä ohjelmisto päivittää automaattisesti kaikki ne kohdat tilinpäätöksessä, joihin uusi muuttunut data vaikuttaa, kaikissa kieliversioissa. Siten vältyt ylimääräiseltä manuaaliselta työltä, jonka pienikin muutos saattaisi muutoin vaatia.

Integroidulla ratkaisullamme, johon sisältyy täydellinen jäljitysketju, tarjoamme sinulle turvaa tilinpäätösprosessiin. Ratkaisumme on lisäksi muokattavissa yksilöllisten tarpeidesi mukaisesti. Kaikki tuontidata, merkinnät ja tekstit voidaan tallentaa seuraavaa raporttia varten. ESEF:n lisäksi voit valita muitakin tulostemuotoja, kuten Word-, PDF-, Excel-, InDesign-, XBRL- ja iXBRL-tiedostomuodot.

Päästä päähän-prosessi
Joustava rajapinta
Joustava rajapinta
Tulostusvalmis asettelu
Tulostusvalmis asettelu
Integroitu XBRL-prosessori
Integroitu XBRL-prosessori
Toistuvat raportit
Toistuvat raportit
Täydellinen jäljitysketju
Täydellinen jäljitysketju
Käyttäjäoikeudet ja monikielisyys
Käyttäjäoi­keudet ja monikielisyys
Lukujen hallinta
Lukujen hallinta

AMANAn ohjelmistot ESEF-raportointia varten

Riippumatta tiedostosi tiedostomuodosta ja siitä, onko se ”built-in”- tai ”bolt-on”-versio, integroitu XBRL-sertifioitu ohjelmistomme varmistaa, että saat hyväksytyn ESEF-tilinpäätöksen iXBRL-muodossa.

Erillinen XBRL Tagger tunnistaa kaikki tiedostomuodot ja käsittelee kaikki taksonomiat; käyttöönotto- ja asennusprojektit eivät ole tarpeen. XBRL Tagger on myös integroitu Disclosure Management-ratkaisuumme, SmartNotesiin. Sen avulla käsittelet tilinpäätöksesi kokonaisvaltaisesti kaikissa prosessin vaiheissa, datan tuonnista esijärjestelmästä lopulliseen ulkomuotoon saakka.

  XBRL Tagger Smart­Notes
  Desk­top Client/­Server
Number of concurrent users working on one report 1
XBRL Function­alities    
Certified (i)XBRL processor x x
Taxonomy extensions x x
Microsoft Word tagging x x
PDF | HTML | InDesign tagging x  
AI supported auto tagger x x
Webpage-Ready-Export x x
XBRL tagging roll-forward x x
Disclosure Manage­ment Function­alities    
Support for multi­lingual reports including number formatting x x
Integrated disclosure checklist x x
Content manage­ment based on Microsoft Office   x
Report roll-forward (numbers, manual adjust­ments, notes & comments)   x
Different types of output documents (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, iXBRL, XBRL, InDesign, etc.)   x
Linking & automatic update of values from data sources ( e.g. SAP, HFM, LucaNet, etc.)   x
Individual workflow system   x
„Layout Robot“ for the automated production of glossy and ready-to-print reports   x
Detailed authorisation system and full audit trail   x

Vertaa XBRL Taggeria ja SmartNotesia – Löydä oikea ratkaisu juuri sinun yrityksellesi

Check and validate ESEF and iXBRL reports with the AMANA XBRL Auditor

The new ESEF regulation mandates listed companies to publish their annual financial reports in iXBRL digital format. In many EU countries, the ESEF reports also have to be audited or reviewed.

The main challenge of auditing iXBRL reports is the technical validation, checking of tags selected by the report creator and the comparison of the traditional format (PDF) with the new iXBRL format. Auditing iXBRL reports requires new knowledge for auditors and can only be done with a proper certified XBRL software.

The AMANA XBRL Auditor was developed on the basis of our many years of experience from hundreds of XBRL projects with a clear focus on the review and audit of iXBRL reports according to the ESEF regulation.

The AMANA XBRL Auditor supports you by:

✓ Automizing the technical validation in accordance with the ESMA Validation rules
✓ Checks for integrity of the machine readable and human readable document
✓ Supports the documentation with checklists
✓ Version control, by comparing and tracking changes from one version to the other
✓ Client communication with comments
✓ Four eyes and review function

The generic approach allows the auditor to load any iXBRL report, no matter which tool was used to create the report. Immediately, the machine-readable dataset is validated and displayed and can be compared to the "human-readable" XHTML. The compliance check of the report as described by the ESEF Reporting Manual as well as the regulation itself can be performed and confirmed with a single click without any technical or XBRL knowledge.

This allows auditors to focus on what’s important: The checking of the actual XBRL tags and line items, anchoring and calculation link base, which requires traditional IFRS knowledge. The tagging of the main financial statements can be checked or commented on a line-by-line basis from one version to the other.

The integrated checklist allows the complete audit to be performed, commented and documented (using file attachments) by multiple users at the same time.

An automatic and intelligent change detection for new versions of the report ESEF report as well as an XHTML and iXBRL comparison allows to quickly compare changed reports of clients without having to repeat already checked items.

A comprehensive Excel report with all validation results, the taxonomy, the machine-readable data set in multiple views as well as the documented check steps and comments can be extracted.

Integroitu XBRL-prosessori
Integroitu XBRL-prosessori
Tarkistusluettelo, jossa on dokumentointi- ja kommentointitoiminto
Tarkistusluettelo, jossa on dokumentointi- ja kommentointitoiminto
Lue iXBRL-raportteja vain luku-tilassa.
Lue iXBRL-raportteja vain luku-tilassa.
Kattava Excel-raportti, joka sisältää kaikki validointitulokset
Kattava Excel-raportti, joka sisältää kaikki validointitulokset
Päästä päähän-prosessi

AMANA XBRL Auditor Functionalities

  • Plug & Play on-premise installer for Windows Desktop, no IT or Server required
  • API available for automation purposes
  • Report Loading
  • Open ZIP report packages, including taxonomy extensions
  • Open iXBRL/XHTML reports
  • Open XBRL files
  • Open any taxonomy
  • Preload ESEF taxonomy
  • Certified validators by XBRL International:
  • Core (XBRL 2.1 & Dimensions 1.0)
  • Inline XBRL 1.1
  • Table Linkbase 1.0
  • Extensible Enumerations 1.0 & 2.0
  • Formula 1.0
  • Unit Registry
  • ESEF Reporting Manual and RTS Validations (ESMA Conformance Suite passed)
  • Custom validation rules and check list items
  • Versioning of ESEF report version sent by clients
  • XBRL comparer to show differences of tagging between two reports
  • Full document XHTML comparer to visualize differences in track-changes mode (similar to MS Word)
  • XBRL Data View based on extension taxonomy including Presentation, Calculation & Definition
  • XBRL Table View for dimensional table (Statement of Changes in Equity)
  • iXBRL Viewer to show tags in the XHTML document
  • Validation results displayed on fact level
  • Hidden fact viewer
  • Reporting entity identity check
  • Audit standard (PS410) based checklist with automatic, semi-auto and manual items
  • Documentation of audit checks with comments and file attachments for each check list item
  • Status-based workflow for each step, including audit trail (who/when)
  • 4-eyes principle confirmation by different user
  • Tick & tie each and every line item / fact
  • Roll-forward of checklist items and audit results, in new report versions only changed facts have to be reviewed
  • Automatic change detection and checksum calculation on files
  • AI supported tagging peer-group comparison (coming 2021)
  • Excel export for XBRL Data View and Table view, including Presentation, Calculation and Definition linkbase
  • Excel report with table views for dimensional tables
  • Full audit checklist export including comments, timestamps, etc.
  • Customizable Auditors opinion export to Word
  • Validation result report Excel export mode (similar to MS Word)
  • Calculation & Definition each check list item only changed facts have to be reviewed again
  • Calculation and Definition linkbase


Disclosure Management SmartNotes: End-to-end process to the ESEF and ESG annual report

Our Disclosure Management SmartNotes increases the effi­ciency in the creation of annual reports and iXBRL reports and helps you to imple­ment the ESEF and ESG require­ments. Work with SmartNotes from the first data import, through the input of corrections, to the publication of the annual report in a print-ready layout without media discon­tinuity. Our Disclosure Management System relieves you of the manual work steps so that you can concen­trate on essential content.

Referent: Nicole Tödtmann

Currently there are no news items.

ESG reporting – the next challenge? For AMANA XBRL Tagger users the solution is quite close!

Our LucaNet end-to-end ESG solution incorporates more than 20 years of expertise in data collection and consolidation, reporting know-how and the market leadership of our certified XBRL solutions, which you as XBRL Tagger user already use – all from a fine source.

ESG/CSRD reporting is easy to handle with our LucaNet ESG end-to-end solution, of which the XBRL Tagger logic is a central component. We want to show you how in our ESG webinar for XBRL Tagger users. We will focus on the structured automatic collection of non-financial ESG data (over 300 interfaces to pre-systems) that can be adapted to the customer situation, of course manual deliveries are also possible: be it for the more than 1100 ESRS data points already stored, the CO2 calculation and the Assignment of the business figures to the six environmental activities of the EU taxonomy.

We will show you the logical next step of processing the numbers and texts in MS Office and the editorial system for reporting SmartNotes. Our Disclosure Management SmartNotes increases the efficiency in the creation of annual reports and iXBRL reports and helps you to fulfill the ESEF and ESG requirements. Work with SmartNotes from the first data import, through the input of corrections, to the publication of the annual report in a print-ready layout without media discontinuity. Our Disclosure Management System relieves you of the manual work steps so that you can concentrate on essential content.

The last part of preparing financial and ESG reporting is the XBRL tagging included in SmartNotes: the good message is, you will see many similarities. The result is then an (i)XBRL document at the push of a button, which displays both the human-readable report and the machine-readable part.

In short: Connect – Collect – Comply with our ESG end-to-end solution.

Speaker: Georg Schenk

How to get ready for auditing the upcoming ESEF season

The ESEF regulation mandates listed companies to publish their annual financial reports in iXBRL digital format. In many EU countries, the ESEF reports also have to be audited or reviewed. The main challenge of auditing iXBRL reports is the technical validation, checking of tags selected by the report creator and the comparison of the traditional format (PDF) with the new iXBRL format. Auditing iXBRL reports requires new knowledge for auditors and can only be done with a proper certified XBRL software.

In the webinar we explain how the XBRL Auditor can be used to face this challenge, and which new features have been implemented in the latest version to make the auditing process a lot easier.

The AMANA XBRL Auditor was developed on the basis of our many years of experience from hundreds of XBRL projects with a clear focus on the review and audit of iXBRL reports according to the ESEF regulation. Moreover, our software is already successfully used by numerous audit firms including Big Four firms. In our webinar, we will show you the features and benefits of the XBRL Auditor when auditing ESEF reports, as well as our experiences from the first years of ESEF.

Referent: Paul Beckmann, Holger Hinzberg

XBRL Table Tagging

In the dynamic world of global finance, eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) has become an essential tool for the business community. XBRL provides a standardized method for tagging tables in financial statements, enhancing clarity, accessibility, and efficiency. Adhering to the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) is not just a compliance requirement but a strategic move that promotes automation in financial reporting, minimizes errors, and allows for effective communication across various platforms.

In this webinar, you will learn:

1. How to use our XBRL Tagger to Tag Tables in Financial Statements into XBRL:

o A comprehensive demonstration of how our innovative solution facilitates the tagging of tables in financial statements into XBRL.

o Insight into our intuitive interface, designed for both novice and experienced users.

2. ]The Basic Tools That Make Tagging Tables Easier:

o ]Introduction to the essential tools within our solution that simplify the process of tagging tables in financial statements.

o Practical examples to highlight how these tools can be employed for swift and precise tagging.

Why Attend This Webinar?
Join our experts as they explore the world of XBRL tagging of tables in financial statements and reveal the capabilities of our specialized solutions. This webinar will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques needed to excel in modern financial reporting.

Learn how to leverage XBRL and utilize our advanced technologies to meet ESEF's stringent demands. Register today to embark on a path toward more robust, compliant, and streamlined financial communication.

XBRL Text Block Tagging

In this webinar, we will explore the intricacies of Text block tagging, both for Word and PDF documents. What are the advantages and disadvantages of one source file over the other? How do I create content controls? How do I tag XHTML Table tags in PDF documents? These topics and more will be covered in our webinar. At the end of the session, there will also be time for Q&A and for further clarifications.  

Referent: Nomsa Chirwa and Sebastiano Mussi

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ESEF-ratkaisumme live-demo:
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